New Book: The Pure Religion - Revealing the Deeper Heart of the World’s Religions

Discover the timeless path of awakening, redemption and return to the Creator through a direct, pure relationship with GodThe Pure Religion is God’s answer to the tragedy and suffering that living in a state of Separation from God has created in the history of religion in this world.

Receive instant access to this new book...Here's just a sample of what's included in this FREE book:

  • 13 revelations that reveal God's original purpose for all world religions.
  • Insights into your personal relationship with God, regardless of your religious or cultural beliefs.
  • Build a lasting connection to the deeper intelligence that has always been with you.
  • Discover the amazing reality of your spiritual family within God's Plan for the entire Universe.

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Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: The Pure Religion

    What is religion? Why is it necessary? Why is it impossible to extinguish it from the human heart and mind completely? Religion represents the expression of your deeper nature and the need of your deeper nature to have this expression in life.

  • Chapter 2: The Great Faith

    There are many people today whose faith has already been shattered. They have grown cynical, and their fear has become justified. They do not believe in a greater promise for humanity. And if they are religious, they will think that humanity will suffer under the weight of God’s recrimination and punishment.

  • Chapter 3: The Sacred

    For in the beginning, there was the Sacred. In the end, there was the Sacred. In the middle, in between, there was the Sacred. It is past. It is present. It is future. It is a moment of experience. It is a revelation

  • Chapter 4: God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity

    Throughout history, humanity has made covenants with God, often thinking that it is God’s Covenant that they are creating. These have varied according to the sacred Covenant that God has always made.

  • Chapter 5: The Purpose of Religion

    The purpose of religion is to cultivate the desire and the capacity to experience the Divine Presence in one’s life. All teachings and rituals, whether within large institutions or within the privacy of one’s home, are for this purpose.

  • Chapter 6: God’s New Message for the World’s Religions

    God knows that not everyone can follow one teaching or one teacher or even one interpretation. Living in Separation, you do not yet have the skill and the development to do this. And if one interpretation is forced upon the people, it becomes a form of oppression.

  • Chapter 7: Religious Fundamentalism

    To believe that your great spiritual teacher, the founder of your religion, is the only great teacher, or the final great teacher, is a fundamental mistake. If all the religions have been initiated by God and changed by man, then clearly it is a glaring mistake.

  • Chapter 8: Religious Violence

    Religious violence has been a plague upon humanity for centuries, exercised around the world, always present, periodically very extreme. It is a problem because religion is being used by those forces, those groups and nations, seeking power and domination, using religion as a justification.

  • Chapter 9: Heaven and Hell

    The projection of Heaven and the projection of Hell all come from your current existence, whereas the reality of Heaven and the seeming reality of Hell are certainly beyond your current experience. These imagined Heavens and imagined Hells are used by institutions and traditions to try to corral people into good behavior.

  • Chapter 10: Sin, Error and Redemption

    The chief concern for people who are interested in religion is the problem of sin, the problem of human error, even grievous human error. And with sin is associated suffering and punishment. Even Hell has been created as a kind of ultimate punishment for ultimate sins.

  • Chapter 11: The Miracle

    What is a miracle really? We say the miracle is the discovery of the greater Intelligence that God has given to you and to each person and with this discovery the recognition that you are sent into the world for a greater purpose.

  • Chapter 12: Spiritual Families and the Plan of God

    Your Spiritual Family is one of the great teachings of the New Message from God and a revelation of what spirituality means within a larger panorama of intelligent life in the universe. For your Spiritual Family contains individuals who are not only human but represent other races as well.

  • Chapter 13: The Redeemer

    When you begin to really look at your life, perhaps following a time of grave disappointment or frustration, a moment of real sobriety and self-honesty, you will see that your life needs to be redeemed.

Meet the Author

Marshall Vian Summers

Marshall Vian Summers was selected and prepared before coming into this world to bring a New Revelation — the largest and most comprehensive revelation ever given — as a gift for people of all nations and faiths. He honors the enduring truth in all the great traditions, yet brings a new understanding and reality for the individual and the world as a whole.

Hear the Author of The Pure Religion, Marshall Vian Summers, speak about religion and our relationship with God:

“I would like to speak of our relationship with God in a very elemental way. This is not complicated. You do not need to have a complex theory or theology to understand this because this is happening at the very foundation of our experience. What is important to understand here is that we have a relationship with God. This relationship is not based on belief, though belief may be our starting point, and for many people it is. It is not based on religious orientation because our relationship with God existed before there were any religions. It is not based merely on point of view, but on a deeper resonance within us.”

Read the Free book The Pure Religion

Discover the timeless path of awakening, redemption and return to the Creator through a direct, pure relationship with GodThe Pure Religion is God’s answer to the tragedy and suffering that living in a state of Separation from God has created in the history of religion in this world.

Receive instant access to this new book...Here's just a sample of what's included in this FREE book:

  • 13 revelations that reveal God's original purpose for all world religions.
  • Insights into your personal relationship with God, regardless of your religious or cultural beliefs.
  • Build a lasting connection to the deeper intelligence that has always been with you.
  • Discover the amazing reality of your spiritual family within God's Plan for the entire Universe.

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